About Ellen

Hi. I am Ellen Yale, certified Master Life Coach, Money Coach, Photographer and Podcaster.

I help women create a deep, rich, abundant life.

To be clear, I am not a financial planner.
I don’t invest your money.

I am not a bookkeeper.

I don’t believe in following a painful, strict budget.
In fact, when you work with me, no budgets are required.

Because I have a completely new way of helping women become confident about money.

I coach women on under-feeling.
I teach them about their money truth.
I help amazing women design and create a deep, abundant life.

I treat the cause, not the symptoms.

And me? My goal is to leave it all on the table.
To live a life well lived.

To live creatively with integrity.

And that transformation is why I do what I do.

I want that for you too.

Right now I offer personal one-on-one sessions over Zoom to folks who want to heal
or grow
or reach their goals
or have a safe container to think things through.

Take the first step… schedule a free 30-minute call here.

I also create gorgeous natural light portraits, branding, and essence photography… because I want everyone to see the beauty I see in the world.  Contact me at ellen@ellenyale.com to schedule your photography session.
